Monday, March 22, 2010


Okay, so here's how things have gone today:

I woke up around 3 am sick to my stomach. When I was getting Violet to fall asleep last night I was starting to feel sick. I tried not to think about it and thankfully was able to get some sleep. Violet slept with us again last night as she has the last few nights. I took my temperature at 3 am and it was up around 100.6. So I took 2 ibuprofen. Didn't sleep anymore until about 5. Was quite sick to my stomach again and Roger found me some gravol. Slept a little then.

When it was time to get up for the day I said to Roger, "How am I going to do this today?" He replied, "You're not, God is going to do it for you." And He did.

Roger and Tori went for a quick breakfast. Violet and I stayed in the room. We still had a form to fill out for Violet's permanent residency. So I did that. Violet walked down with us to the lobby so that I didn't have to carry her. It wasn't a long drive to the place where we went to get visa pictures taken for Violet. I felt so weak. Thankfully I found the strength to carry her. But I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment. My stomach was still rolling a little - but I wasn't sick.

After pictures we walked across the road to the S.O.S. International Clinic where Violet was getting her medical done. Violet went before Logan. She weighs 9.6 kg. She is 79 cm tall and her head circumference is 45 cm. When the doctor checked her over he said his only concern was that she was below the percentile for her size according to her weight.

Then we asked him about my symptoms. He said it sounds like a stomach flu. He suggested that I take rehydration salts. He directed us to the pharmacy on the first floor and said the pharmacist would be able to tell us which medications would work the best for me.
Roger ended up picking up rehydration salts, cold medication and adult pepto bismal. I took a pepto tablet at the clinic before we left. The doctor explained that my weaknesses and tiredness was most likely due to the gravol that I had taken. (3 since 5 am that morning) We were actually at the clinic quite a long time as Logan's appointment took longer since he hadn't been seen by a doctor at his orphanage.

Then we went to the Canadian embassy to get the kids stuff for coming to Canada. That took a while too - and we had to stand the whole time.

I'm doing okay now, but I plan to take it easy. If I don't feel like going out now I don't have to. All the paperwork is done and we signed a form to allow Tingting to act as our representative and pick up our paperwork on Wednesday.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. The way I felt today I know it was only by God's help that I made it through the morning. The doctor figures that it is the flu because I haven't had diarrhea with it. He said if I'm not better by Wednesday to come back to the clinic - but this way it saves us the cost of an examination (since he felt it wasn't really necessary). His best advice - rest. That's what I'm planning to do!

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Someday Mom

As a girl I had a common dream, to be a mom someday.

My baby would have eyes of blue and hair the hue of hay.

But now my dreams have been transformed. New visions fill my head.

Now the tresses that I long to stroke are raven black instead.

And in my dreams those eyes are not so big or blue or round.

Now in my dreams they're almond shape and colored cocoa brown.

And in my dream my arms can stretch across enormous seas.

They reach half-way around the world and hold you close to me.

As you grow in your mother's womb, carefully knit together,

Your also growing in my heart, where you will stay forever.

And in my dreams the moment that your mother says good-bye,

I'll be right there to comfort you and hold you as you cry.

Our features may not look alike; we're different as can be.

But still I know the Father has created you for me.

And though I've not yet seen your face, or held your tiny hands,

And though we're half a world apart in very different lands.

I'll be right there to get you just as soon as God allows.

But til he says the time is right I give to you this vow.

I'll pray for your protection every night on bended knee

for God will hold you in his arms, until you're home with me!