For Halloween I wanted to find Violet a ladybug costume. After searching the second-hand stores with no luck, Tori found one at Walmart. It was more than I had wanted to pay, but did look cute. Then that very night I saw a panda bear costume at Value Village. We thought it might be a little big on Violet for this year but bought it for another time.
When we got home we tried both costumes on Violet. I realized that the ladybug would require turtleneck leggings and definitely a hat for our cold Canadian climate. (Yes, after some wonderfully warm days it SNOWED on Halloween.)

We thought the ladybug costume was very cute. Don't you just love the 'tude that Violet was sporting?!? She really seemed to love the costume. I think part of the reason was because it felt like a dance costume to her. (Tori had taken dance last year and performed "Hot Hot Hot" at the dance showcase with her class. Since then, Violet always says, "Hot Hot" when she feels like dancing!) So I knew that she thought it was a dancing outfit when she exclaimed "Hot Hot" after she looked in the mirror.
Then we tried the Panda costume on.

...what a cutie!
So...after much consideration I returned the ladybug costume and decided to go with the Panda for this year. Violet was a little upset when I carried the ladybug dress out to the van. "My Hot Hot!" she complained. (It almost made me take it back upstairs. Almost.) But I think it was a good choice. She made an adorable Panda Bear.

At the last minute...literally...Tori changed her costume idea so that she could be a tiger. I was wrapping black electrical tape around her rapid speed so we could head out the door.

Even I got in on the fun and had an elephant mask on. We agreed that my "ears" were small enough to pass as an Asian elephant.
So for Halloween we were all animals from Asia.
Some times great ideas come together at the last minute!