Back in Beijing
Saturday proved to be a very interesting day. When we got up Roger checked the weather in Beijing on the computer and it said that they were experiencing a dust storm. I thought please don't let our flight be delayed again!
When we went for breakfast Roger got me my usual – Violet and I sit at the table while the other two go through the buffet. About 5 bites into my meal I said I can't eat anymore. I did drink my two glasses of juice.
After we got back to the hotel room I was sick. I felt some better afterwards. We left the hotel about 9:30 am. The drive to the airport seemed very long. I was feeling sick again. (It was about an hour's drive.) Isabel helped us check in and then we went through security. Our departure gate was right through security so I didn't have to walk far. The restroom was very close, too. I took Violet to the restroom and changed her diaper. I was sick again.
Those of you who know me well, know that I am sick very easily. I think it is how my body conditioned itself back when I was young. I was lactose intolerant and when I felt sick I threw up. Then I felt better because what was causing the problem was now out of my system. And my body continues to do that through the years – if I have a headache I throw up. So I didn't worry too much about being sick. I wondered if it had anything to do with my sinuses draining. I thought perhaps that was what was making my stomach upset.
As we sat in the departure area we could see outside. We could see that there was no plane at our gate. And I thought, "Not again." We wondered if it was late arriving because of the dust storm in Beijing.
We were scheduled to begin boarding at 11:30 – still no plane. I saw that people were beginning to line up to board. Ray commented, "Can't they see there's no plane yet?" But then to our amazement the ticket agents were starting to send them through. They didn't go to gate 7, but walked down to another gate. So we gathered up our kids and belongings and went and stood in line.
We asked the flight attendants if I could hold Violet, or if she needed to be buckled in her seat – since she had her own seat and was over 2 years old. I still didn't think that was as safe for her since she is so small. Our seats were 19 C, D, E, F. We put Roger across the aisle from us. Then I sat on the aisle holding Violet and Tori had the window. Before we took off the flight attendant asked me to move to the middle seat, she said it was safer. Probably just because people walking the aisle might bump Violet's legs or arms. So now our aisle seat was empty.
I snuggled Violet in as the plane began to move out on the tarmac and she fell asleep within moments. So the take-off didn't bother her at all. She slept for over an hour.
About 10 or 15 minutes into the flight my stomach started bothering me again. I montioned to Roger and he came and sat beside me. I just knew I was going to be sick. And I was. I have never thrown up on a plane before. At first I was embarrassed that people might hear me, and then I just didn't care. When I mentioned it to our friends after we got off the plane, she said that they didn't hear me. They were seven rows ahead of us.
We got to Beijing okay, Violet cried during the descent. But once we touched down she was okay. I was sick one more time in the Beijing airport before we collected our luggage.
We had no problems getting our luggage. Our guide, Tingting, was waiting for us. After a bit of manuevering we got to our bus and were headed back to the hotel. Tingting told us that we were lucky we didn't fly in in the morning as the dust storm was very bad. She said people weren't venturing outside because the dust would coat them and make it very hard to breathe.
I made out okay on the ride to the hotel. While we waited to check in I realized that my stomach seemed to be settling and now I was just tired. And hot. The hotel seemed so hot.
We got a pleasant surprise when we got to our room – besides the faint smoky smell – the room is way bigger than what we had here before. We have a suite. Our bed is queen size. Tori has a full size twin bed (not just a cot) with good mattresses. The sitting area has a couch and two chairs and an coffee table. AND WE HAVE A FRIDGE! Hooray!
I wanted a cool shower right away. But once I got in the tub the water seemed too cold, so I decided a warm shower might help soothe my muscles – from carrying Violet in her snuggly.
I didn't feel up to eating supper. Roger and Tori went to the hotel restaurant and Violet and I stayed in our room. (Violet won't go without me.) I wanted something easy on my stomach so that it wouldn't revolt again. So I had a banana. Violet ended up eating most of it. (Which surprised me, since every other time we tried to give her banana she wouldn't eat it – would just spit it out.)
After supper I took my temperature. I had a very slight fever – 99.1. When Roger and Tori got back they found Violet and I sleeping in bed. I asked Roger to find some fever meds for me, so that it wouldn't get worse. Took my temperature again. This time it was 100.8. Took some medication and drank some ginger ale that they brought back for me.
Violet ended up sleeping with us all night. Around 3 am, both of us were awake. I wanted to take another dose of medication – just to keep on top of things. I was feeling some better, so I was surprised when my temperature was 101.5. Took more medication. Roger filled up Violet's cup and she drank some water. I drank a whole bottle. I want to keep hydrated.
It is now 6:30 am. When I woke up I felt a lot better. I took my temperature and it was back to normal range – 98.2!! Please pray that it stays down. Today is a big day – we visit the Great Wall. I want to enjoy it. I'll also need my strength because I'll be carrying Violet.
I'll post pictures when we get back from our tour. We leave in two hours.
Oh, and we had a blessing when we checked out in Fuzhou. I told Roger how much our internet service charges should be. When he was completing the check-out they said, "No internet." But Roger explained that we did have internet. So they explained, "No charge for internet – free."
What a blessing!