Family Photo Shoot with Aunt Joni
Violet's Photo Shoot with Aunt Joni
Well, I've been asked if I ever update my blog and my answer has been - "Not yet". So here it goes.
Violet is doing tremendously well. She is speaking English great. Well, as great as a two-year old. Now that she is stringing a few words together it takes a bit more effort to understand everything. The first that I noticed her say several words together was when we were getting ready to leave the house - probably back in June. Tori can downstairs with a new pair of shoes on. Violet looked down at Tori's feet and said, "Oh, Tori. Nice shoes." Ah, a girl after my own heart!
When we first came home from China we noticed that Violet had a tendency to hit when she was upset. We were thankful that it didn't take long to teach her not to do that. The last week or so I've noticed that now when she is upset she hits herself. I'm trying to teach her that hitting is wrong - no matter who gets hit! Of course, she also will slap her herself on the face for amusement, too! She'll do it to try to get people to laugh. What a girl!
Violet is a go-getter, that's for sure. I haven't really noticed anything that she's afraid of. She meets all new things with such exuberance. I love it. Grampie and Grammie now have a spring-horse at their house. They had bought it for their oldest grandchild - who is now 17. Violet gets on that horse and really bounces!
Violet is also a great little swimmer. We bought a swimsuit that has a life-jacket built right in. The first few times in the pool, she'd hold on to your hands, but she didn't cling. Now she gets around like a pro! I highly recommend the swimsuit/life jacket to other parents. The only negative thing is that it is a little tricky to get off when it is wet. For a while it took two of us to undress her - one to pick her up and the other to pull off the swimsuit. I can do it now by myself, but Violet will still say, "Help me." when I start to take it off her. (That's what I had said before when I wanted someone to pick her up for me.)
Violet had all of her blood work completed. That was an episode. I used emla patches to make the blood work easier on her and it ended up making it harder. I guess she has tiny veins to begin with and the emla patches shrunk the veins even more. Well, at least it is over and done with now.
Violet received her permanent residency card the first week of July. We had to take pictures of her and Charlie together because they were both dressed in their Canada hats! Cute cousins.

Currently we're in the process of having her name legally changed - apparently it needs to be done before we can apply for citizenship in her Canadian name. Thankfully, it was not too expensive to do, but it was a bit of a run-around. Once we have her name change paperwork we'll be applying for Canadian citizenship for her. We've already got the forms - just need to get her pictures done for it. So it will be sent in right away.
Since it has been so many months since my last update, I really could go on and on with stories. But they say a picture is worth a thousand words. So I'll just post pictures for you to enjoy.
Picking flowers from the garden - May 2010
Violet's dedication at church - May 30
Vacation in Prince Edward Island June 2010

First Canada Day Celebrations - July 1, 2010